
with Meg O

A 14 day initiation into reclaiming your pleasure & turning yourself the f*ck on!


You can have ecstatic bliss.

You can be turned on by your own body!

You can be a pleasure-filled-sensual Queen!

YOU! Yes, YOU!

In fact, you already are this.

You've just forgotten.

Cause that's what the world taught you to do.

To forget. To outsource your pleasure. To wait for someone else to give it to you.

Wait for the man to turn you on.

Wait for the lover to 'touch the right spot'.

Wait for someone else to love & worship your body before you can.

So, you've been waiting, right?

And I’m going to guess (cause I’ve been there!)...

It’s left you feeling resentful + dissatisfied.

Broken + confused.

It's left you thinking that maybe pleasure is only something 'She' can have. That wild woman on Instagram. That woman who is NOT you.

But, Beautiful, you're ready to remember!

Stop. Take a breathe. And repeat after me...

"Pleasure is for me. But it's my job to claim it."

Go on, say it!!!!

"Pleasure is for me. But it's my job to claim it!"

And whoa, baby… when you do...

Whhooooaaaaaaa... you’re going to be unstoppable.

You're here because you've been asking for this.

You’ve been praying for this.


Your time to remember & reawaken the WILD WOMAN within.

Your time to truly feel just how glorious it is to be YOU!


It’s YOU. It’s NOW.

You feel it, right?!


meg xx




🌹 Stop putting your pleasure solely in the hands of your lover/ partner

​🌹 End cycles of hate you have for your body & reclaim reverence for Her

​🌹 Rebel against the rules of what you've been told a woman ‘should be’

🌹 Liberate yourself of the shame you carry around pleasure & s-x

🌹​ Say goodbye to your ‘good girl’ & uncage your WILD WOMAN

​🌹 Take your s-x life (either solo or with a lover) to the next level

🌹 Claim yourself as the turned-on-pleasure-filled-Queen you're here to be

🌹 Truly & unapologetically take up space in your body & life!




To have you remembering that it's NOT anyone else's job to turn you on.

Nor are they the best person qualified for this job.


It’s YOU who holds the key to your pleasure.

It’s YOU who holds the map to your most orgasmic life.

It’s YOU who holds the codes to your TURN ON!

And this juicy 14 day experience is going to reconnect you with this truth.


is NOT a course


Let’s get one thing straight….

This is NOT a space to come & 'learn' then simply go back into your regular life.

This is NOT something to just show up for 30 minutes each day for 14 days then tick off your Self-Development list.



A body-based initiation.

Here's the thing...I don’t see the point in reading hundreds of self-help books or doing ALL the courses & never actually putting any of it into practice.

I believe in EMBODIMENT.

So, Seduce Yourself is devoted to guiding you into your BODY! You'll be invited to use your beautiful physical vessel as a portal to expansion, healing & next level upgrades.

This is NOT for you if you just want to learn the theory behind living a TURNED ON life.

This is for you if you're ready to actually LIVE & BREATHE one.

Over our 14 days together we'll cover...

🌹 The energetics behind turning yourself on + reclaiming your pleasure

🌹 Your subconscious + the stories you carry around sensuality, pleasure & sex

🌹 Working with the shadow & integrating sexual shame

🌹 Discovering touch & the felt-sense

🌹 The importance of going slow & becoming your most patient lover

🌹 Shifting out of ‘goal/achievement-focused’ pleasure

🌹 Tantric principles of breath, sound & movement

🌹 Reawakening your primal Self through movement & dance

🌹 Self-seduction as a life-style

🌹 And much, much more!




This initiation includes:

🌹 Daily Videos + assignments dripping in pleasure-filled codes (Value: $700)

🌹 Powerful Pleasure Practices & Rituals (Value: $500)

🌹 4 x Deeeeeeeeep Guided Audios Processes/ Meditations (Value: $500)

🌹 An abundance of journal prompts, resources, playlists & more (Value: $300)

Plus: 4 x CALLS

🌹 1 x Opening Ceremony (Value: $300)

🌹 2 x LIVE Embodiment Practices (Value: $850)

(Integrating Sexual Shame Practice AND Owning Your Sacred Slut!)

🌹 1 x LIVE Group Coaching (Value: $400)

*NOTE: You will be receiving the RECORDINGS of these LIVE Gatherings.

Total Value: AUD$3550


I'm Meg O'Sullivan. Pleasure, Relationship & Embodiment Coach.

I help ‘good girls’ own their WILD so they can reclaim their POWER & take up the space they’re here to inhabit.

I’m really good at what I do because I’ve been on this journey too.

I used to be a people-pleasing-straight-A-good-girl who went red in the face when any conversation moved towards sex or pleasure.

I used to feel so much shame around my body, my pleasure, my desires.

I used to push down sooooo many parts of me to keep others comfortable.

In my late teens & early 20’s, I experienced depression, disordered eating & one very disastrous relationship. Which now I realise was all a CRY from my Wild Woman. She was sick of being caged!

The last 7 years I’ve been on a journey of deeeeeep growth. It started with food. Then yoga. Then plant medicine. Then… my sexuality! And there’s been NOTHING so life-changing than exploring my saucy, sex-ed up, sensual side!

Today, the woman I am & life I lead (alongside my man, Jacob) kinda blows my mind.

It’s dripping in pleasure, sensuality, connection, play, love, intimacy, abundance & authenticity. It blows my mind cause I sure as shit wasn’t told this was an option growing up. And I sure as shit wasn’t living this kinda life 8 years ago.

So, sister, I know what it takes to shimmy out of society’s rules & create your own. I know how it feels say ‘good bye’ to your ‘good girl’ & remember your WILD WOMAN. And I’m here to help you as your take this journey too.

Excited to meet, hold & witness you!


meg xx




When does Seduce Yourself begin?

This initiation is now a SELF PACED journey. So once you get inside you can start whenever & flow at whatever pace feels for you.

What if I can't keep up with the 14 days of content?

You do NOT have to dive into all the content over the 14 days. You’ll have life-time access to it. Permission slip to go at your own pace, baby!

How much time will it take each day?

This is a power-packed 14 day initiation. There are 4 x 90 minute Call Recordings for you. Then I encourage you to carve out about 30 minutes each day for the daily content/ rituals/ practices. Once again, you can go slower & integrate over time!

Are there refunds?

No. I don’t give refunds. I trust that if you’re feeling a 'yes' this experience is for you.

Do I need a pleasure wand?

No. Although in some practices I might offer up the option to use one or move towards self pleasure - this is NOT necessary at all. And if self pleasure is NOT something you're comfortable with quite yet - this is still for you!

I’ve never, ever done anything like this before - is this for me?

If you're feeling the pull (no matter how much 'experience' you have)... YES!

I’ve experienced sexual trauma, is this for me?

This is by no means a space to heal your trauma. I would highly recommend seeing a professional trauma specialist. However, if you’re feeling ready to explore your body & dive deeeep into what She has to offer up - this is for you.

What if I’m scared?

Perfect! That means you’re leaning into something that is about to shake & shift up your life. If saying YES to this doesn’t bring anything up for you - I’d say it’s probably not for you.

How much is Seduce Yourself?

AUD$444. Which honestly is RIDICULOUS value. Like absolutely RIDICULOUS. (It's worth AUD$3000+).



with Meg O

I used to look at women...

Wild women.

Women anchored in their bodies & turn on.

Women like the woman I am now.

And think...

"They're different from me."

"I can't have that/ be that because..."

And I know you do it to.

You think you're different.

You think for some reason they're allowed to be in love with their bodies/ life/ sexuality...

But not you!

Beautiful Being, that ends here.

Seduce Yourself was created to remind you...

That woman you think 'you're not'...

You are already Her.

It's time to remember!

Can't wait to meet you.

See you inside. 😉

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