



meg o'sullivan

​A self paced journey for you to unlock your sexual energy & awaken your orgasmic potential.

You were told touching yourself was wrong.

You were made to believe exploring your body was dirty.

And for thousands of years it's been like this.

Women (just like you & me) being taught that their bodies, Pussies & pleasure was shameful.

But, Honey...

You're here because that doesn't vibe with you!

You're here because you no longer wish to carry those stories in your cells.

You're here because you're ready to be a part of the REVOLUTION.




Deeeep down you know that self pleasure isn't wrong/dirty/


But, that it's the key to your power.

The gateway to your LIBERATION.

The access point to your deepest healing.

This is for the woman who...

➳ Currently struggles to orgasm or has never experienced orgasm

➳ ​Only experiences clitoral orgasms & desires to expand into her deeper orgasmic potential

➳ Wants to be more unbridled & wild in AND out of the bedroom

➳ Is ready to liberate the sexual shame & guilt living in her body & lineage

➳ Is very comfortable in her Masculine yet desires to awaken her Feminine power

➳ Holds shame around her Vagina/ Vulva

➳ Wants to experience more pleasure in the bedroom but doesn't know what she wants

➳ Struggles to live from her body

Is ready to reclaim her turn on & move through the world as a pleasure-filled WOMAN!

Beautiful one...

The time is now.

To awaken your pleasure & orgasms.

To LIBERATED you sexual energy & become a truly TURNED ON WOMAN.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to...

➳ Fall in love with your Pussy/Yoni/Vulva & Vagina (and actually understand her true

anatomy & power!)

➳ Become multi-orgasmic

Rebel against the patriarchal idea that "pleasure/sex is wrong"

➳ Be more wild & unbridled in AND out of the bedroom

➳ Feel FREEEE in your body, pleasure & life

➳ Create a juiiiiiiiicy self pleasure practice

Explore your body with the reverence and devotion She deserves

Claim yourself as the turned-on-pleasure-filled woman you're here to be

➳ Join a revolution of Queeeeeens changing the world by touching themselves!!

Don't get it twisted...

This is NOT simply a course on self pleasure.

Yes, we'll be diving deep into the art of touching yourself, pleasure anatomy, crystal wands, orgasms etc.

Yes, you'll leave this space truly educated on your Pussy & its power.

Yes, you'll be more orgasmic than ever before.

But... it doesn't end there.

This is about self pleasure as a gateway to the WOMAN YOU ARE ACHING TO BE.

This is about reclaiming your POWER & coming FULLY ALIVE.

The Journey

Module 1



Redefine what Self Pleasure is to YOU!

Shift out of ‘goal/achievement-focused’ pleasure

Tantric principles of breath, sound & movement

Amplify your pleasure by tapping into touch & the felt sense

Why numbness is a gift

Module 2



Working with the shadow & integrating sexual shame and guilt

Your subconscious + the stories you carry around sensuality, pleasure & sex

Gentle trauma release with Pussy Breathing

Emotional alchemy for deeeeeeeper levels of pleasure

Reawakening the primal sex Goddess you are!

Woman touches sliced papaya

Module 3


Truly understand the anatomy & immense potential of your Pussy/ Yoni/ Vulva & Vagina (the shit they should teach us in school!!!!)

Create a relationship of deeeep reverence with your Pussy

Powerful vaginal de-armouring practice for trauma release & healing

Woman Holding Bed Sheet Tightly

Module 4


Explore the vast possibilities for your pleasure

Breaking-free of addictive self pleasure patterns & carving out new pleasure networks

The core ingredients to orgasm

The different types of orgasms (& how to experience them!)

Module 5


Tap into the deeeeep current of pleasure pulsing through you

Tantric practices for unleashing your powerful sexual energy

Orgasm as deeeep nourishment for your body

The art of sex magic

Module 6


Create an environment for sexual thriving

Self pleasure as a lifelong practice

Truly owning your fully turned-on-pleasure-filled Self

The ripple effect of your pleasure revolution

How does it work?


You'll get INSTANT ACCESS to 6 pre-recorded masterclasses, plus THREE guest masterclasses with Rosie Rees from Yoni Pleasure Palace, Pleasure Coach Fanny Broholm & Breathwork Facilitator Jenna



You'll receive guided self pleasure play with each module to explore all that we're learning in your own body. From breast massage & Pussy worship to de-armouring & gentle trauma release. You'll have an abundance of tools to explore your pleasure potential & take beyond the program.


Playlists. Book lists. Journal prompts. Pleasure guides. Mmmmmmm they'll be an abundance of extraaa juiiiiice for you.

This program will not just transform your sex life...

It will transform your ENTIRE LIFE.

Cause a woman awakened to her sexual power is a woman awakened to her TRUE POWER.

And this will ripple out into your ENTIRE LIFE.

Meet your facilitator

I'm Meg O'Sullivan. Sex, love & relationship coach.

And I’m here for your shameless sexual liberation.

I support women to come home to their body, reawaken their sexuality & show up in their FULL SPECTRUM.

I’m really good at what I do because I’ve been on this journey too. (Life is the greatest fucking schoolroom after all!)

Any talk of sex used to have me cringing & bright red in the face.

I used to feel so much shame around my body, my pleasure, my desires.

I used to push down sooooo many parts of me to keep others comfortable.

In my late teens & early 20’s, I experienced depression, disordered eating & one very disastrous relationship. Which now I realise was all a CRY from my Wild Woman. She was sick of being caged!

The last 7 years I’ve been on a journey of deeeeeep growth. It started with food. Then yoga. Then plant medicine. Then… my sexuality! And there’s been NOTHING as life-changing as exploring my saucy, sex-ed up, sensual side!

Today I live & lead from my Pussy & pleasure. And there’s noooooo better feeling on the planet.

So, sister, I know what it takes to shimmy out of society’s rules & create your own. I know how it feels say ‘good bye’ to your ‘good girl’ & remember your WILD WOMAN. And I’m here to help you as you take this journey too.

Excited to meet, hold & witness you!


meg xx

The Investment

$275 AUD

(Usually $555 - save 50%!)

Got questions?

When does The Pleasure Revolution begin?

The moment you sign up and say yes! You'll receive immediate access to the course.

Is this LIVE or pre-recorded?

This course was recorded live in 2022, and you'll receive instant access to all of those recordings, along with bonus workbooks and pleasure play!

Are there refunds?

No. I don’t give refunds. I trust that if you’re feeling a 'yes' this experience is for you.

Do I need a pleasure wand?

No. Although in some practices I might offer up the option to use one or move towards self pleasure - this is NOT necessary at all. And if self pleasure is NOT something you're comfortable with quite yet - this is still for you!

If it is and you don’t have a wand, head over here.

I’ve never, ever done anything like this before - is this for me?

If you're feeling the pull (no matter how much 'experience' you have)... YES!

What if I’m scared?

Perfect! That means you’re leaning into something that is about to shake & shift up your life. If saying YES to this doesn’t bring anything up for you - I’d say it’s probably not for you.

You deserve delicious orgasms & epic sex.

And you can have them!!!!

I believe incredible pleasure & ecstatic sex is available to every woman...

It just takes knowledge & practice.

And that's what the PLEASURE REVOLUTION is all about.

Seeee you inside.


meg xx

© 2023, Meg O'Sullivan