

for your


A practical, step-by-step journey to help you powerfully communicate your message, serve your ppl & get paid for your purpose.


I know you’ve got a message on your heart.

I know you’ve been pulled to the online space cause you’re here to SERVE.

And I know you’re ready to get generously paid for living your purpose.

And yet… sometimes it feels too much.

Too hard.

Too noisy.

Too confusing.

Too exhausting.

Trying to ‘get your message’ out into the world…

Trying to be ‘heard’ above the ‘noise’...

Trying to ‘get paid for your purpose’...

YEAH… sometimes it feels too much.

There’s probably been (many!) moments of tears.

Of tantrums.

Of wanting to throw it all away.

Of thinking…

“Ahhhhh! How the f*ck do I communicate what I do in a social media post?”

“Why aren’t people buying from me! How do I possibly show how life changing my work is on this little app?”

And yet, despite all this confusion + exhaustion + wanting to throw it all away…

You’re still here.

With a message on your heart.

With a desire to serve.

With a willingness to keep going.

Cause THIS is your purpose.

You know that. You’re clear on that.

Now… It's time to learn how to GET PAID for it.

This is for you if...

You ‘get’ all the energetic stuff but truly you’re just aching for some practical steps on how to turn your message into money

​You’ve ever thought… "Please! Someone! Help me understand how to do this social media business thing!!!!!”

You know you’re an epic coach/ facilitator but struggle to communicate the power of your work

​You think you need to feel 1000000% aligned + turned on + magnetic in order to post/ create ANYTHING (so of course… you hardly post/ create anything!)

​You’ve launched courses/ programs & just feel like your message isn’t landing. Your audience isn’t quite ‘’ what you have to offer.

​‘Making it’ online feels like some crazy, overwhelming code to crack!

​You’re aching to SERVE your humans.

is here to help you get really good at communicating your MESSAGE + MAGIC so that you can serve your people + get paid for it.

Think of it as… 14 days to ‘demystifying’ what it takes to make money in the online space.

But more importantly how to SERVE YOUR PPL.

And, the good news is… it’s simple. (Not easy. But simple!).



for your


WARNING: This course is pretty

much 100%


If you follow my work you’ll know that I’m the Queen of embodiment. A devotee of the Feminine.

But this course… well, it’s NOT that.

And here’s why…

I’ve witnessed so many women with BIG HEARTS + BOLD VISIONS get lost in the ‘noise’ of the coaching space. (In fact, this was once me!!!)

So many women with POTENT magic to share…

Powerful messages to offer up…

Women qualified/ certified (by Life + other things) to be helping & serving their community.

And yet... I've seen these women struggling to serve + get paid for their message.

And it’s NOT because they’re NOT a good coach. Or don’t know how to change people’s lives.

It’s because they don’t know how to communicate their mastery/magic.

I’ve created + continue to run a multi-6 figure Coaching business.

And yes… a huge part of my success has been energetics + Feminine Leadership.

And yet.. I cannot & will not deny how understanding the art of marketing + selling has deeply enabled me to serve my message + get paid for my purpose.

And so… here it is.

How does it work?

14 days.

14 audio teachings.

14 value-packed pdfs.

14 action steps.

Day 1 starts the moment you sign up.


Monthly LIVE Q&A Calls to INTEGRATE what you'll learn.

Access to a private Facebook Group for community + accountability.

You'll leave feeling:

​Clear on your message + where you're leading your community

​Like a bad-ass content creator who is overflowing with epic ideas/service

​Fucking pumped to be your FULL SELF online

​Super-duper CLEAR on how to communicate online

Deeply connected to your people (no matter how many 'followers' you have!) and excited to serve them

​Like "Ohhhh! I've been really overcomplicating it! It gets to be simple!"

​Excited (rather than exhausted!) by showing up on social media

​Clear on HOW to 'make money' by bringing your message to the world



The Journey...

Getting Paid for Your Purpose is made up of 4 main pillars…


on your



Create your



for your



Trust your


14 days of straight up practical content that’ll have you better serving your people NOW.


The #1 question that will create INSANE clarity in your marketing + entire business

How to 'niche'. (It's probably not what you think!)

My 3 step process to writing epic storytelling content

30+ content prompts so you'll never feel like "WTF do I post!" again

A social media ‘hack’ that will change the way you feel about your ‘followers’ forever

Why your perfectionist is keeping you from getting paid (and what to do about it)

How to write sales pages that have people aching to invest!

What to do when you're offers aren't selling (aka. epic troubleshooting steps!)

A shift in the way you see ‘selling’ that will lead to more sales

A step by step process to LAUNCHING (including a pre-launch checklist)

And so much more…

Plus... pages + pages + pages worth of super practical examples 👇👇👇

The Investment


(Usually $444)

"Meg this course has been RIDICULOUS VALUE. It has been by far the most freeing and empowering thing I have invested in regarding my business and I feel SO clear on how to better serve my people now, for it not to feel painful but completely REWARDING to communicate with them. Thank you so much for bringing this into the world. You are a gift."

- Gayle

"This program is so NOT my first marketing program. But it's by far the most practical & motivational (one) I bought!"

- Caroline

"This program has seriously up-levelled the way I’m serving my people online. Such simple shifts that have allowed me to be more FELT by my community, and getting paid."

- Isabella

So, baby...

Are you ready to good at communicating your message, serving your ppl & getting PAID FOR YOUR PURPOSE?

Can't wait to see you inside.

Big love,

Meg xx

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